Are you using your ERP to its full potential?

The Dynamics ERP is a powerful tool, and you are probably not harnessing its full potential.

You might not be using valuable modules/functionalities, that could have the potential of improving your business processes, productivity, information, etc. Maybe you are aware that these were left out of the scope of the Implementation Project. Or maybe you do not know they exist. Keep in mind Microsoft is continuously delivering new capabilities.

It could also have happened that the consultants that took part during the Implementation project, were not able to explain how to use the system effectively. As a result, users may not have an in-depth understanding of the ERP and its functional capabilities.

It is not uncommon that key users could have left the company, and with them valuable know-how of particular areas was lost.

Your business could have evolved, it could have new needs that need to be supported by the ERP.

The key is that your Dynamics ERP should be dynamic, an “alive organism” that evolves and grow continuously, and not something “abandoned” and just doing the minimum.

At Dynamo we provide flexible and convenient ways of helping companies achieve this.

You can contact us here

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