7 Reasons to Move from Legacy ERP to Cloud ERP

What is a cloud-based ERP solution?

A cloud-based ERP solution is ERP software hosted in cloud servers that are accessible anywhere, from any device – which is of enormous value today where many workforces are dispersed.

However, there are many advantages of moving to a cloud-based ERP solution.

  1. Improved cost and maintenance efficiencies 

Legacy systems become expensive to maintain over time, especially if the software is no longer supported with updates. There are also the hidden costs associated with legacy systems, such as the need to upgrade servers and other hardware, the amount of time wasted using, maintaining, and integrating a slower, outdated, system, not to mention the negative impact of poor user experience on employees.

A cloud-based ERP solution, however, requires no hardware or servers, and as the software is supported and updated continuously in the cloud, it can be managed by fewer people.  As it is constantly being updated and improved, a cloud-based ERP typically has a better user-friendly interface, and it never becomes obsolete, avoiding big version migration projects every 3 to 5 years. These updates will normally bring new functionalities, which in most cases, do not have any licensing cost impact.

  1. Fewer compatibility issues. 

Having a legacy ERP software system will typically mean increased difficulty – and associated costs – when integrating with other systems, associated apps, and add-ons. As cloud-based solutions are constantly updated, integration issues with newer apps, add-ons, and other systems, are generally mitigated. 

  1. Higher flexibility 

Cloud solutions mean you can work anywhere, from any device. They facilitate collaboration across your virtual organisation and wider ecosystem, enabling dispersed workforces to easily work in partnership with other operations, partners, and suppliers on your value chain.

  1. Speed and Agility

Real-time information can be viewed and analysed on almost any device from anywhere by a variety of employees. This enables the company to be more agile and make better decisions, faster, for greater competitive advantage in the marketplace. 

  1. Security

Data is safely kept off-premises and is less vulnerable to cyberattacks, particularly as cloud solutions are constantly updated to protect against the latest threats. 

  1. Compliance 

Cloud based ERP solutions constantly adapt to changes in the global and local compliance requirements, and industry regulations. This offers huge support and peace of mind to companies operating in forever changing environments and conditions. 

  1. Scalability

As your company grows or expands into new markets, cloud solutions enable you to easily scale and support new locations, geographies, and industries with standardised practices and processes and minimal IT effort.

Dynamics 365 ERP

The Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP Cloud solution is part of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Applications Suite. It is a powerful, cloudbased ERP solution that is easily adaptable to all business requirements. 

It offers a variety of applications to meet your ERP needs and can be tightly integrated with Office 365. Its user-friendly interface facilitates real-time access to critical business information, enabling smart decisions to be made faster across the organisation.

Are you a Dynamics AX user?

Many organizations using Microsoft Dynamics AX are now considering an upgrade to the Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP Cloud solution, which means they will be doing their last version migration project. Others, new to ERP, are looking for a more efficient, smart solution that easily integrates with Microsoft Office and other financial systems such as Sage. 

If your organization is considering this upgrade, do contact us for a fast, competitive quote. We have substantial experience across the world helping large and small companies to migrate to a better, smarter cloud-based ERP solution. 

Our Dynamics 365 Consultants can provide a Live Demo, help you to set up a free trial, and show you how to transform your business processes using Dynamics 365 Finance and other integrated Dynamics 365 modules. Contact us at contact@dynamo-global.com

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